What's New
I went to school for 12 years with Sharon, beginning with 1st grade at LaMoille country school. Sharon was a good friend, a kind person, smart, and pretty too! I remember her well from our junior high school basketball days, where she was always a star.
Thoughts and prayers for Sharon's family!????
I graduated with Sharon and David Thomas in 1958- my thoughts of comfort for her family
I always thought she was so pretty and also nice- so sorry to hear about her death-Peggy Brainerd Buchwald
peace and comfort to Jim's family- we had a great class of 1958-- Peggy Brainerd Buchwald
Celebrate in style! Happy Birthday! ????

Sorry to learn of Tom's passing. He was a friendly classmate.
I am sorry to hear about Tom- We had such a great class of 58.He was a good guy.Peggy B
Thoughts and prayers for Tom's family!

1959 Class reunion September -
MHS Class of 1959 is celebrating their 65th Class More…
The weekend of September 13-15, 2024 has been reserved for our one and only MHS Class of 1959's 65th (and maybe last) class reunion!
Need a place to stay?
Ten rooms, three handicap available, are blocked at the Hampton Inn on Iowa Avenue. The reduced price has a deadline of August 12th, so check it out asap if interested.
Friday night: A Room at Zeno's is reserved for our initial gathering and Maid-Rite orders will be taken for Saturday noon.
Afternoon: is filling with options of choice (still in the works) in addition to a Maid-Rite lunch, and a tour of the Orpheum Theatre.
Evening: Dinner (catered by HyVee) will be at 6 pm on the second floor of the Memorial Coliseum.
$35.00 per person. Menu to follow.
Sunday morning: We are still deciding on breakfast options.
Send All Fees and Reservations to Kenny Lamb, 3202 Lily Lane, Marshalltown IA 50158 by August 12, 2024.
As always, we strive to get the best and most affordable options available and we will pass that information to you just as soon as we have it!
In the meantime: Please check to see if your profile (contact information) and others you know, are up to date on the MHS web site and make corrections if needed. We sure wouldn't want to miss anyone! We would also appreciate your comments & suggestions; Thats always helpful!!
Hotel Contact Information:
Hampton Inn 641-753-6795 20 W. Iowa Ave.
MHS Web site: www.marshalltownhighschool1959.com
For questions and registrations:
Call: Kenny Lamb @ 641-751-3486
E-Mail: chuckie@mchsi.com
Happy birthday and glad to hear you have some great hobbies. Where have your recent travels been, and what do you have planned?
Have a great birthday, Dick. I pray you’re doing well!
Posted on: Feb 23, 2024 at 8:09 AM