50th Reunion Pics
Class of 1958
50th Class Reunion
**We did laugh, cry and reminisce with some of our OLDEST friends.
**We didn't care how old we were.
**Thrilled to see classmates even if it was their first reunion.
**We definitely rekindled and began new relationships.
**Expressed positive experiences we had in high
school, letting people know, everyday things
people did, some people carried in their hearts
for 50 years and had a chance to tell them.
**After 50 years, everyone looked wonderful.
**Our reunion WAS full of jovial reminiscing.
**The class picture turned out GREAT!!

Click on picture to open a panoramic view!
Seated on floor L-R: Mary Gail Noid, Donna Fugate, Janet Rogers, Deanna Dobson, Mary Pattie, Kaylene Gallentine, Renie Gummert, JoAnn Ritland
Row 1 chairs: Kay Richeson, Lonny Poland, Susan Smith, Roberta Hodgdon, Ann McGregor, Sharon Miller, Darlene Kruse, Janice Harvey, Donna Burgess, Sandra Spencer, Marilyn Kneeland
Row 2: Peggy Brainerd, Doris Borton, Martha Ward, Stan Wooster, Kay Meldahl, Pat Twedt, Zelda Dannen, Marilyn Reisinger, Linda Lamer, Linda Momberg, Sandy Glans, Maris Colllins, Judy Weaver, Bev Benson, Marcia Davenport, Jeannie Cook, Joan Robertson, Bonnie Burnham, Sharon Ness, Karen Kralik
Row 3: Pat Barker, Nancy Yeager (behind Peggy), Lee Willim, Avonelle Smith, Dick Horton, Jean Peak (behind Stan), Dave Drew, Betty Pritchett (behind Linda Momberg), Jane Lynch, Ron D'Orazio, John Strever, Bev Wilcox, David Hemphill, Mimi Wolfe, Penny Proctor, Bob Mason, Dave Thomas
Row 4: Gary McCormack, Lenoard Schnathorst, Pat Dyrland, Richard Loney, Hal Loney, Gary Loney, Nancy Thomas, Dick Rhiner, Herb Long, Terry Wehrman, Dale Burkheimer, Nile Brennecke, Tim Merrill, Hoot Niederhauser, Mike Brimmer, Burris Workman
Thank you for sharing your photos of our 50th!
Jeannie Cook Garrington, Marcia Davenport Ziel, Avonelle Smith Ebersole,
Linda Momberg Praska, Peggy Brainerd Buchwald, and Burr Workman
Getting ready for class picture
Getting ready for class picture 2
Friday Night at the Regency
Ready to "Let the Good Times Roll" at the Regency: Maris
Collins Schad, Sandy Glans Fritz, Donna White Davis,
Caroline Shaw, and Janice Cramer Eggers
Linda and Gary McCormack and Donna Fugate Priester
Penny Proctor Augustine, Joan Robertson Ballard,
Jeannie Cook Garrington
Dale Burkheimer, Terry Wehrman, John Strever,
Helen Strever, Karl Rinehart
Dave and Shirley Hemphill
Sharon Miller Miller and husband Marvin Miller
Beverly Benson Post, Avonelle Smith Ebersole, Sharon Miller
Miller, Betty Pritchett Zern, Linda Momberg Praska, and
Butch Post
Jeannie Cook Garrington's daughter Tammy and husband
Paul Schaefer
Kay Richeson Nott, Sandra Spencer Deahl,
Doris Borton Strohman
Jeannie Cook Garrington and Darlene Kruse Conard
Jack Knappen, Marilyln Kneeland, Barbara Doll Knappen,
Darlene Kruse Conard
Gary McCormack, Nancy Thomas Lowe-Gildner,
Hoot Niederhauser
Brian Cole, Charley Butcher, and Burris Workman
Linda Momberg Praska, Betty Pritchett Zern,
Linda Lamer Dunn - Looks like a good story
Dick Horton, Mary Pattie Wells, Avonelle Smith
Ebersole, Susan Smith Mason
Roberta Hodgdon Mauksch, Sharon Ness Arment
Sandy Glans Fritz, Maris Collins Schad,
Jeannie Cook Garrington, Joan Robertson Ballard
Chuck and Sharon Eckles
Dick Rhiner and Joan Roberton Ballard
Sharon Ness Arment, Pauline Dutton White, Caroline Shaw
Jeannie Cook Garrington and David Thomas
Lee Willim and Avonelle Smith Ebersole
Karen Kralik and Marilyn Reisinger Willits
Nancy Thomas Lowe-Gildner, Mimi Wolfe Lamson
Linda Lamer Dunn, Marilyn Reisinger Willits,
and Susan Smith Mason
Burr Workman, Jeannie Cook Garrington
Mike Brimmer, David Thomas, Sonny Finch
Jeannie Cook Garrington and Marcia Davenport Ziel
Peggy Brainerd Buchwald
John Strever
The two Pats - Dyrland and Barker
Penny Proctor Augustine, Jeannie Cook Garrington,
Mimi Wolfe Lamson
Barb and Ron Dorazio
Betty Pritchett Zern and Gary Sleege
Ron D'Orazio and Jan Harvey Thake
Sharon McKibben Eckles and Chuck, and ...
Bonnie Burnham Nash, in background Jeannie Cook
Garrington, Barbara Burnham Paxson, Karen Bousum Antle
Jeannie Cook Garrington, Sandy Glans Fritz,
Maris Collins Schad
Brian Cole
Roberta Hodgdon Mauksch, Larry Johnson, Susan and
Lonny Poland, Stan Wooster in background
Marilyn Kneeland
Nile Brennecke
Dave Hemphill and Dale Ballard
Bev Benson Post, Avonelle Smith Ebersole, Sharon Miler
Miller, Betty Pritchett Zern, Linda Momberg Praska,
Roberta Hodgdon Mauksch
Dick Horton, Mary Pattie Wells, Avonelle Smith, Ebersole,
Susan Smith Mason
John Strever and Shim Krantman
Burris Workman and Terry Wehrman
Gary McCormack
Judy Weaver Meyer and Mary Pattie Wells, Susan Smith
Mason in background far right
Doris Borton Strohman and Kay Richeson Nott
Darlene Kruse Conard and guest Keith Strandberg
Sharon Miller Miller and Betty Pritchett Zern
Penny Proctor Augustine and Keith Augustine, Hal and
Nice' Loney, Susan Poland in front
Hoot Niederhauser
Dave Hemphill and wife Shirley, Hal and Janet Rogers Walter
Pat Barker
Mimi Wolfe Lamson, Kay Meldahl Luthans,
Bev Wilcox Collins
David Thomas and wife Diane
Martha Ward Boyer (Donna Fugate at left)
Donna Fugate Priester
Judy and Herb Long
Leonard Schnathorst and Kaylene Gallentine Rinehart
Kay Richeson Nott reminds us of the way we were
Larry Johnson shows off pictures of niece Shawn Johnson
Bev Benson Post, Sharon Miller Miller, Linda Momberg
Praska, Avonelle Smith Ebersole, Betty Pritchett Zern,
Roberta Hodgdon Mauksch
Hoot Niederhauser, Mar cia Davenport Ziel, Mike Brimmer
Jeannie Cook Garrington and Barbara Burnham Paxson
Bev Benson Post, Avonelle Smith Ebersole, Roberta
Hodgdon Mauksch
Maris Collins Schad, Sandy Glans Fritz, Jeannie Cook
Garrington, Joan Robertson Ballard
Jane Lynch Bauer
Joanne Cook Speer and Kent Loney helped us out by
registering classmates and passing out nametags
Larry Johnson and Vicky
David Drew, Nile Brennecke, Dick Horton
Donna Burgess See
Pauline Dutton White and Judy Weaver Meyer
Vicky and Shim Krantman, and Jerry Wheeler
Mimi Wolfe Lamson and Jeannie Cook Garrington
Stan Wooster, Bev Wilcox Collins, and Jane Lynch Bauer
Dorothy and Gary Sleege, and Dale Burkheimer
Roberta Hodgdon Mauksch, Linda Lamer Dunn on left,
Susan Smith Mason, Avonelle Smith Ebersole on right
Judy Weaver Meyer and Sharon Ness Arment
Pauline Dutton White
Fred and Kay Meldahl Luthans, Mary Gail Noid Bauer,
Jane Lynch Bauer, Lee Willim
Kay Meldahl Luthans, Mary Gail Noid Bauer,
Jane Lynch Bauer
Maris Collins Schad
Bench Dedication at Miller
Gift from the Class of '58
Peggy Brainerd Buchwald gifts the bench to Pat Hemming
Judy Weaver Meyer and Sharon Ness Arment organized
the Maidrite Tour
Donna Fugate Priester and husband Joe try out the
new bench
Stan Wooster tries out the bench; behind him
Avonelle Smith Ebersole, Peggy Brainerd Buchwald,
Jeannie Cook Garington
Janet Rogers Walter and Jeannie Cook Garrington
Jack & Barbara Doll Knappen, Wally & Ann McGregor Junker
Leonard Schnathorst, Gary and Dorothy Sleege, Sharon
Ness Arment
Janet Rogers Walter (back right) looks at Dale Burkheimer's
coin collection. In foreground are Barbara Burns Brindle,
Jeannie Cook Garrington and her daughter Tammy
Roberta Hodgdon Mauksch tells about her boutique designs
to Donna Fugate Priester and Mary Gail Noid Bauer
Left to right: Jeannie Cook Garrington, Joe Priester (Donna
Fugate Priester's husband), Roberta Hodgdon Mauksch, Mary
Gail Noid Bauer, Martha Ward Boyer, Jan Harvey Thake
Zelda Dannen Vry, Pat Tweed Meyers, Karen Kralik,
Marilyn Kneeland, Judy Weaver Meyer
Starting from back: Maris Collins Schad, John Strever, Herb
Long, Terry Wehrman, Janet Rogers Walter, Mary Gail Noid
Marcia Davenport Ziel, Mimi Wolfe Lamson,
Kay Meldahl Luthans
Hal and Nice' Loney, Donna Fugate Priester
Roberta Hodgdon Mauksch, Keith Strandberg,
Darlene Kruse Conard, Hal Loney
JoAnn Ritland Butcher and Charley Butcher
Pat Hemming (Marshalltown School System), Pat Barker,
Deanna Rhiner, Barb D'Orazio
Doris Borton Strohman, Barbara Burns Brindle,
Donna Burgess See
Dennis Collins and Bevery Wilcox Collins
Dale Burkheimer
Saturday night at Elmwood Country Club
Avonelle Smith Ebersole, Roberta Hodgdon Mauksch,
Bev Wilcox Collins and Linda Momberg Prasaka -
Welcome Home!
Kaylene Gallentine Rinehart looks for nametag
Marcia Davenport Ziel and Jeannie Cook Garrington
Dinner at the Elmwood Country Club
Dave Hemphill, Nile Brennecke, Herb Long, Terry Wehrman,
Bob Mason, John Strever,Lee Willim
Pam and Hoot Niederhauser
Centerpiece of memories - designed by Kaylene
Mimi Wolfe Lamson, Bonnie Burnham Nash,
Hoot Niederhauser
In Memory - 35 of our classmates
Mantel Decoration
Jane Lynch Bauer tells about Then and Now
Smitty and Nuala were the Entertainment DJs
Herb and Judy Long
Cleo and Bob Mason
Penny Proctor Augustine, Joan Robertson Ballard,
Jeannie Cook Garrington
Linda Momberg Praska, Marvin Miller (Sharon Miller's
husband), Bev Benson Post and husband Claude,
Betty Pritchett Zern
Deanne Dobson Pulver and Bonnie Burnham Nash
Judy Weaver Meyer, Betty Pritchett Zern,
Avonelle Smith Ebersole
Sylvia and Lee Willim
Helen and John Strever
Kay Richeson Nott and Lonny Poland
Bev Benson Post and husband Claude Post
Bonnie Burnham Nash and Marcia Davenport Ziel
Mimi Wolfe, Bonnie Burnham Nash, Hoot Niederhauser,
Jeannie Cook Garrington
Penny's husband (Keith Augustine), Jeannie and Marcia sang
the last song of the night
Tremont on Main Sunday Brunch!
Maris Collins Schad, Jan Elledge (Maris' sisteer), Pat Barker,
Sandy Glans Fritz, Martha Ward Boyer
Donna Fugate Priester
Peggy Brainerd Buchwald, Judy Weaver Meyer, Pat Barker
Peggy Brainerd Buchwald, Doris Borton Strohman, Donna's niece,
Donna Burgess See, Derik See, Sandra Spencer Deahl
Ron and Barb D'Orazio, Wally and Ann McGregor Junker
Sandy Glans Fritz and Maris Collins Schad
Jane Lynch Bauer and Tim Merrill
Ron and Barb D'Orazio, Pat Barker, Bev Wilcox Collins
Still partying the night after!
Jeannie Cook Garrington, Roberta Hodgdon Mauksch, Marcia
Davenport Ziel, JoAnn Ritland Butcher
Welcome Home signs on the Best Western Regency Marquis and at the entrance to the reunion gathering room greeted classmates coming to Friday night's 50th Reunion gathering. (Thanks Kaylene Gallentine Rinehart for beautiful signage and decorations with help from Linda Lamer Dunn.) Kent Loney and Jeannie Cook Garrington's sister Joanne greeted the guests. Bobcat logo nametags with graduation picture (created by JoAnn Ritland Butcher) helped us recognize each other, some of whom we hadn't seen for 50 years! We were happy to see classmates from near ... Zelda Dannen Vry from State Center ... and far ... Bob and Cleo Mason from Hawaii. Marcia Davenport Ziel made sure there were plenty of snacks on hand. Sharon Ness Arment took over 100 pictures (see them at the link mentioned at top of page), as did others who have shared with us for this page. Bev Wilcox Collins welcomed everybody, but most were too busy talking to each other to stop their conversations - having way too much fun, and the planning committee wouldn't have wanted it any other way! About 9:15 Jane Lynch Bauer announced departure for Zeno's, where we packed the place with bodies, conversation, smiles, and laughter. Thanks, Jane, for pulling a few strings to keep Zeno's open just for us. Larry Johnson proudly showed off pictures of his niece, Iowa's Olympic Champion Shawn Johnson.
Dick and Deanna Rhiner brought a much looked at memories book. Late morning we met at our MHS (now Miller Middle School) for dedication of a gift from the Class of '58 to the school, a handsome black wrought iron bench placed adjacent to the entrance we used. Avonelle Smith Ebersole introduced Pat Hemming from the school, and Peggy Brainerd Buchwald spoke for the class in dedicating our gift to Miller. Thanks to Avonelle and Peggy for bringing the bench project to fruition so we could have the dedication this day. Some of us were outside as most of the group entered the school and were caught by surprise by a spontaneous singing of our school song. Pat gave us a tour through the school, helped by classmate Stan Wooster who taught at Miller for 32 years. Out of town classmates especially enjoyed the maidrite lunch, for how can that be skipped on any revisit to the old stomping grounds? Several classmates brought memorabilia to share, hobbies and interests. We enjoyed Herb Long's Pebbles and clippings, Dale Burkheimer's coin collection and hole in one trophy, Roberta Hodgdon Mauksch's unique hand-crafted accessories, Ann McGregor Junker's scrapbooks, and more. Thanks to Sharon Ness Arment and Judy Weaver Meyer for taking charge of this event and the good guys who helped carry in and out for them. Herb Long wondered if this jacket would be remembered by anyone? (Are you kidding?!) At Elmwood Country Club, JoAnn Butcher had picture name tags prepared for everyone plus telephone/address/email books and placemats with pictures of our schools and favorite places. Kaylene and her committee had the room decorated in red and blue, and on each table was a centerpiece collage of our high school hangouts. The island buffet dinner was colorful, delicious, and plentiful, planned by Marcia Davenport Ziel with assistance from Jane Lynch Bauer and Jeannie Cook Garrington. Jeannie also did the accounting for our reunion and gift monies. Our MC, Jane Bauer, reminisced about where we were when, how far we've come, and the value of classmate friends from our school years to applause and a standing ovation. Peggy Brainerd Buchwald graced us with a beautiful invocation and tribute to our 35 deceased classmates. Thanks to Stan Wooster on behalf of our classmates for thanking committee members for making our 50th a reunion to remember. Charley Butcher and Claude Post snapped our class picture, and we were ready for DJ dancing and entertainment of Smitty and Nuala to songs of our times. A few night-owl classmates stayed 'till the last song and made a circle, swaying to the music. Hoot Niederhauser laughed that we should have started the evening this way. The going away brunch at Tremont Inn on Main on Sunday was a last chance to talk to those we hadn't spent time with, or to be with friends for a few more hours. JP and Jennifer Howard took good care of us with menu and service. One question on many people's minds was: Will there be a next reunion?... and please don't wait 10 years. So if the rivers don't rise and the sun keeps on shining, we plan to see you again in 2013 - or maybe before! On the Friday before the reunion, Ann McGregor Junker had been excited and anxiously awaiting the start, but also worried that nothing could fulfill her expectations. We watched Ann enjoy right along with all our classmates, partners, and guests for the 3 days. The planning committee glowed with your many compliments, good remarks, and letters/emails we received afterwards. But YOU ... you made it all worthwhile. Watching the wonderful time you all had was even greater than our hopes and expectations as we planned for the year and a half prior to the reunion. It was a reminder of what a great bunch of kids we had the privilege of going to school with, and what wonderful adults you have become. Classmates who planned the reunion were: jeannie Cook Garrington, Joan Robertson Ballard, Peggy Brainerd Buchwald, JoAnn Ritland Butcher, Kaylene Gallentine Rinehart, Sharon Ness Arment, jane Lynch Bauer, Mrcia Davenport Ziel, Linda Lamer Dunn, Avonelle Smith Ebersole, Judy Weaver Meyer, karen Kralik, and Bev Wilcox Collins. Several classmates have asked if we plan to keep the class website. You bet! We have enjoyed hearing many stories of classmates reconnecting ... and even connecting for the first time through the website. It's a great tool for reunion planing too, as we can download your current address, phone number and email right off the site (so please update your profile on occasion!)
When we graduated in 1958 Life lay before us, There were jobs to be found Some may have accomplished But no matter what Some have departed this life along the way So let us live our lives |