Roberta Hodgdon Mauksch

Profile Updated: August 17, 2008
Residing In: Chatsworth, CA USA
Occupation: Professor Emerita, Calif. State Univ. Northridge
Children: Teri (1959) married to Hank Henley living in Birmingham, Alabama. Teri is an a professor at the University More…of Alabama in Tusculosa; Hank is a reagional salesman for Wiley, Inc. I am grandparent to their two quadrapeds, Callie (a 13 year old golden retreiver) and Scram (a 2 year old tiger striped feline, street urchin from the streets of New Orleans where they lived at the time of Hurricane Katrina).

David (1962,) who has Down's Syndrome, lives in a sheltered setting in Council Bluffs, Iowa. David has a job, a girl friend, and lots of friends; who could ask for a better life.


I havn't let much grass grow under my feet in the last 50 years. Have been married twice and am currently dating; pretty interesting at this age.

I've lived in 39 different places, 11 towns/cities, and 8 states. I've been affiliated in one capacity or another with 8 different universities. I earned a BS and MS from the University of Missouri-Columbia in Housing and Interior Design. My doctoral work was from at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee in Architecture specializing in Environment & Behaior. At the present time I'm semi-retired from California State University, Northridge, but still teaching 1/2 time for one more academic year in the Interior Design program where I have been since I came to Southern California in 1991. The next year will also be spent trying to decide what I'm going to do during that next 30 years.

School Story:

I look back with great fondness to the town in which we grew up, our school, and the friends we were to one another. Moving from Minnesota to Marshalltown and Aaron Palmer in the middle of the 6th grade, I was embraced by students who have continued to be good friends to this day.

I find it amazing that so many of our classmates have managed to stay connected with one another. Every time I come back to Marshalltown--a few times a year to see my 98 year old father (remember the bus driver who drove teams and pep club to out-of-town games? that was my Dad, Chester) who is in a nursing home in Marshalltown--all I have to do is email or call JoAnn Ritland, Avonelle Smith or Marcia Davenport; within a day or two there's a group of classmates ready to get together, usually in the evening at Zenos.

I just cleaned out my garage and found my prom dress from the 1957 SnowBall. Although it no longer fits, it's in pretty good condition. At this point it's 'vintage' so I''m contributing it to the historic costume collection in my academic department. Since they usually put the new donations on display before they're put away "never again to see the light of day," tt will get one more chance to shine, together with the picture of "prom chicks" from Bev Post's archives. The picture will go on display with the dress and put context to "the prom dress", as well as letting the "prom chicks" strut their teenage stuff one more time!

Roberta's Latest Interactions

Dec 01, 2023 at 9:29 AM

Hope you have a terrific day.

Nov 20, 2023 at 2:42 PM

Hope you had a great birthday.

Roberta Hodgdon Mauksch has left an In Memory comment for Profile.
Nov 02, 2023 at 6:56 PM

So sad to learn today JoAnn Butcher is no longer with our band of 1958 Bobcats. I have vivid memories being in JoAnn's backyard with other classmates on trips back to Marshalltown. Those times were so special, catching up on all things Marshalltown and the latest about our classmates. As these trips have become less frequent and the size of our class is shrinking,  memories of those special times in JoAnn's backyard have become more precious. Rest in peace dear friend. 

Roberta Hodgdon Mauksch added a comment on Profile.
Aug 23, 2022 at 10:50 PM
Jul 08, 2022 at 10:17 PM

H A P P Y ?? B I R T H D A Y
Hope you had a great day ??

Roberta Hodgdon Mauksch has left an In Memory comment for Ron DOrazio.
Jan 20, 2022 at 9:42 AM

Ron and I weren’t close friends at MHS.  I remember him by his last name (D’Orizo)—one of a kind at MHS—as was mine.  Marriage unburdened me of my unusual last name (Hodgdon), but these unusual last names served as links to the MHS class of 1958 one summer day in the 1990’s

My dad, Chester the bus man, and I took a road trip from Marshalltown to Bemidji for a family reunion. My dad grew up in Bemidji one block from the lake. Both my mother and dad attended BSU, known as Bemidji State Teacher’s College back in their day.  One afternoon we made a local tourist stop and signed the guest register on our way out. It’s at that point our last names provided a connection back to MHS. The Hodgdon name jumped off the page and caught a D’Orizo recognition. Simultaneously the Hodgdon in me recognized that unusual D’Orizo name from high school. With other tourists looking on and probably wondering “What’s with these people?”, we had a fun few minutes reminiscing and laughing about life in Bemidji and times at MHS back in the 1950’s.
Although not friends back then, for a short time in Bemidji, MN one summer afternoon in the 1990’s we were the best of friends. Rest In Peace my friend. 

Roberta Hodgdon Mauksch added a comment on Profile.
Aug 24, 2021 at 9:30 PM
Jul 20, 2021 at 10:58 PM

Memories of MHS friends include Bev Benson. Not long after it was Bev and Butch. Over the years FB pictures of Bev & Butch show the two so obviously happy together in life's journey. The most recent posted picture was truly special. Butch, your +60 years of marriage to Bev have given you memories that will keep her with you forever--Bev & Butch. . . . Roberta (Hodgdon) Mauksch

Nov 16, 2019 at 3:33 AM
Roberta Hodgdon Mauksch has left an In Memory comment for Larry Martin.
Dec 20, 2017 at 3:33 PM

R.I.P. Larry Martin

Remembering you as a part of the MHS class of 1958.  RKM



Sep 18, 2016 at 7:33 PM

Time passes but memories don't.  May her family be comforted knowing that the memory of Janice is of a sweet classmate during our time together at MHS.


Posted: Mar 06, 2014 at 11:00 PM
I'd like to think the last 50 years has not just made us older, but better!